Zigzagsoft IT Solutions

We provide solutions for your business or idea by developing optimized, fast and secure mobile applications, websites and desktop applications from scratch or upgrading your exsisting project.

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What We Do

  We fondly follow the technology and software world and we choose the technology that should be used for our purposes. We focus on how a product should be made, not how it is made. In our software applications, we always pay attention not to the easiest and fastest way but to be the simplest and most optimized. The satisfaction of our customers makes us happy and their progress makes us progress too.
  In developing our web, mobile and desktop applications, we use embeded systems, artificial intelligence, IOT, machine learning and we are ready to use, eager to learn whatever is needed. We continue on our way, believing that behind engineering of each product / service there is math and art.

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About Us

  Teamwork is our passion, collaboration with the world's best companies is our strength. At Zigzagsoft, each of us tries to do our best without fear of making mistakes because a good team consists of good individuals. Good teams also make a good society. Beautiful societies also shape a beautiful world. paving the path or being a small part trying to achieve this goal is more will satisfy us.

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1023. Cadde 120/9 Aşağı Öveçler Çankaya / ANKARA
Email: info@zigzagsoft.org
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